L & G,
I am pleased to hear that the Training and Assessment
Committee for Technicians and Operators (TACTO), Corporate HRD and Institut
Teknologi Petroleum PETRONAS (INSTEP) have successfully developed a PETRONAS
Competency-based Assessment System (PECAS) complete with the Assessment &
Implementation Guidelines and computerised system of assessing and monitoring
the performance of our Technicians and Operators Groupwide.
The system is designed to ensure that the knowledge, skills
and attitude of our technicians are properly captured, monitored and recorded.
The system is very comprehensive and require effort from every OPU to
systematically support the assessment and verification processes. It will assist
the OPU in the certification of their NET prior to upgrading to the next higher
grade. We hope this system will be able to produce competent technicians and
operators that will operate and maintain our plants and facilities in a safe and
efficient manner.
I am pleased to note that INSTEP together with PETRONAS OPUs
have identified and developed the training programmes based on the PETRONAS
Occupational Skill Standard (POSS). I sincerely hope that the current practice
where OPUs and INSTEP can work together as a team through TACTO to be continued
to ensure that appropriate training solutions for each NET can be professionally
discussed and resolved.
I am of the opinion that, to stay competitive as a Leading
Oil and Gas Multinational of Choice, development of staff competencies cannot be
taken lightly and to this effect, INSTEP will work closely with all OPUs to
provide the necessary training, assessment and verification works so as to
ensure the successful implementation of the system
For and On behalf of INSTEP
Director INSTEP